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Průmyslová 1330, 33441 Dobřany

Comprehensive services in the field of education, training and testing of welding personnel

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ŠKODA WELDING s.r.o. is a continuation of ŠKODA WELDING and is one of the leading institutions in the Czech Republic providing comprehensive services in the field of welder training, welder education and testing of welding personnel, inspection, consulting and business activities.

The Welding School, which is a member of the Czech Welding Society ANB and a member of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, has celebrated 95 years since its foundation and is now the largest institution of its kind in the Czech Republic in terms of the number of welders trained and the technologies trained. In newly equipped classrooms we carry out training and examinations of welders and senior welding personnel.

We provide training and periodic re-testing of welders at the company's headquarters, which is located in the science and technology park in Dobřany. Modern equipment, hygienic environment and instructors with great experience guarantee that the training of welders is carried out at a high level.


  • Welding courses
  • ATB - Higher welding staff
  • Testing organisations
  • NDT training
  • Welding procedure qualification WPQR
